Instead of students
at 8:15 this morning
I saw this smile
Note: Today was the first day of school and I have to admit it was a little bittersweet. Maybe bittersweet is not the right word but it was certainly a little strange. I kept glancing at the clock and making mental notes:
7:20: Arrive at school; 8:15: First class begins; 1:30: End of last class; 3:00: Head home.
Instead of my school routine I did baby/toddler stuff all day.
7:20: Make coffee & change diapers; 8:15: Make breakfast & change diapers; 1:30: Yo Gabba Gabba rest time & change diapers; 3:00: Rescue baby squirrel & change diapers.
Different, but wonderful.
Strange, but grateful.
So it has officially begun... my year at home with the boys.
Let the games begin!