I had a bag of nubby, old crayons I've been wanting to recycle. Now that Eli is recognizing colors and interested in sorting I thought I'd take advantage and get cracking! Here's how we made our chunky crayons.
Step 1: Sort naked crayons by color. Break big bits into smaller bits--oh, so much fun!

Step 2: Spray a muffin tin with Pam. Fill with crayon bits.
Step 3: Bake at 275 degrees for about 10 minutes.
Step 4: Let cool. Fridge or freezer helps speed things up.
Step 5: Knock chunky crayons from the muffin tin. Admire. Use. Love.
Additional notes:
-Crayon wrappers are much easier to remove after soaking in water over night.
-The muffin tin I used is now designated as a "craft" item. Wax melted into tiny crevices in the muffin tin and I don't feel comfortable using it for baking again. While this wasn't my original plan muffin tins are great for distributing paint and for sorting small items like rocks, marbles and buttons.
You're such a cool mom! Great idea!