Eli is an exceptionally selective eater. In an effort to get him more interested in a variety of foods I'm trying to get him involved in food preparation. Today we made spiced apple sauce cake using the apples we picked last weekend at
Carter Mountain. The recipe is courtesy of
Smitten Kitchen and turned out so well!
Step 1: We peeled the apples using this wacky peeler I'd inherited (and never used) that I found buried in the cabinet. It was a-w-e-s-o-m-e and broke after apple #6. Boo.
Step 2: Add water and boil apples for about 20 minutes. Drain. I put the cooled apples in a ziploc bag so Eli could smoosh them while they were safely contained. We also took the apple peels and fed the birds. Or squirrels. Or whatever.
Step 3: Nap time. I put the ingredients in separate bowls in a sort of mis en place (oui oui) so they would be ready to mix when the boys woke up. I also made the frosting at this time.
Step 4: Mix according to recipe. Add freshly smooshed apples. Eli didn't want to smoosh the apples so Lucas helped out with this bit.

Step 5: Bake. Cool. Frost. Add sprinkles. Everything's better with sprinkles, right?
In the end, Eli loved stirring and mixing, playing the spoons and distributing and eating sprinkles...but not eating cake. Sigh. It did, however, turn out beautifully and was a project to remember!
Eli confronts the fork. To eat or not to eat.
Eli and the spoons. "Look, Mama, Y!" "Look, Mama, crab!"